International Women’s Day Event With Princess Trust Barbie and George at Asda


In celebration of International Women’s Day, George at Asda collaborated with The Prince’s Trust and Mattel to host a dynamic event in central London. The event aimed to unveil an exclusive Barbie-inspired fashion collection designed by young individuals supported by The Prince’s Trust. With a focus on creativity, empowerment, and social impact.


The event featured the debut of the Barbie-inspired fashion collection, highlighting the unique messages and creativity of the young designers. Attendees had the opportunity to engage with the designs and learn about the inspiration behind each piece. To enhance guest participation, interactive activities such as a bejewelling station and a mini mic station were incorporated. These activities allowed attendees to customise merchandise and interact with the young designers, fostering a sense of connection and community

Selected influencers aligned with the campaign's message were invited to attend the event. Their presence helped amplify the reach of the initiative and generate buzz around the new fashion collection, further supporting the cause of empowering young talents

Flourish branded the event space at Peggy Porschen which was transformed into a visually stunning and fully branded environment. The aesthetic of the venue aligned seamlessly with the themes of the event, creating an immersive experience for attendees.


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